Forschungsinstitut für
Spiritualität und Gesundheit

Research Institute for
Spirituality and Health

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Research Meetings

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Research Meeting 2016 - Langenthal, Switzerland

Empirical Research in Psychotherapy and Counseling



Morning Presentations (in German):

20 Years of Research Meeting "Empirical Research in Psychotherapy and Counseling"

Rolf Senst, M.D., Acting Director APS and Head Physician at de'ignis Clinic in Egenhausen (Germany)

Attachment Relationship with God and its Therapeutic Valency - Results of a 5 year Catamnesis

Matthias Sauer, Dipl. Psych., de'ignis Clinic Egenhausen (Germany)

Listen to the recording of the morning presentations (in German) here.


Afternoon Presentations (in German):

permOt: Empirical Data About Motivation and Personality

Albrecht Seiler, M.D., Head Physician at Clinic SGM Langenthal (Switzerland)

Individual Repertories of Religious Emotion Depending on Religious Affiliation and Centrality of Religiosity.

Sonja Buchmann, doctoral student, Department of Theology, University of Bern (Switzerland)

Controversies About Spiritual Interventions in Psychotherapy - A Status Report

Michael Utsch, Prof. Dr. phil., Evang. Zentralstelle für Weltanschauungsfragen, Berlin (Germany)

Listen to the recording of the afternoon presentations (in German) here.


Please find a conference summary (in German) here.