Morning Presentations (in German):
20 Years of Research Meeting "Empirical Research in Psychotherapy and Counseling"
Rolf Senst, M.D., Acting Director APS and Head Physician at de'ignis Clinic in Egenhausen (Germany) |
Attachment Relationship with God and its Therapeutic Valency - Results of a 5 year Catamnesis
Matthias Sauer, Dipl. Psych., de'ignis Clinic Egenhausen (Germany) |
Listen to the recording of the morning presentations (in German) here.
Afternoon Presentations (in German):
permOt: Empirical Data About Motivation and Personality
Albrecht Seiler, M.D., Head Physician at Clinic SGM Langenthal (Switzerland) |
Individual Repertories of Religious Emotion Depending on Religious Affiliation and Centrality of Religiosity.
Sonja Buchmann, doctoral student, Department of Theology, University of Bern (Switzerland) |
Controversies About Spiritual Interventions in Psychotherapy - A Status Report
Michael Utsch, Prof. Dr. phil., Evang. Zentralstelle für Weltanschauungsfragen, Berlin (Germany) |
Listen to the recording of the afternoon presentations (in German) here.
Please find a conference summary (in German) here.